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The language of signs helps people with audio problems, deaf, and deaf mute among others, to communicate through hand movement. We must comprehend the code of this language to classify it in different classes, according to the position and the movement of the fingers and the hand. The classification that we have made is the following:


For the start of the project, we want to focus on the ‘static’ and ‘simple’ typologies, which are the most used ones. The first one includes all the gestures that don’t need any movement, just a rigid defined position that describes the word. Most of the numbers and letters are part of this type.


The other important classification includes a simple movement of the hand. This movement can be a rotation, a straight line or a continuous shake of the hand. This type includes the verbs, pronouns, adjectives and even most of the words that seems to be easy to describe with this language.


Let’s check a list of some words that we have chosen to study its gesticulation and parameterize it.

If you want to know all the words, you can download the list on the next Excel link.


With many words classified, we want to find a way to stablish a relation between the words and the sensors that capture its motion. We must define the divisions in the position of the fingers and the hand that differentiate each word among the others. This divisions will be able to match with the electric reply of the sensors, in order to transcribe the movement into the sign language in Catalan.

With this list, we can see that most of the words can be matched using the position of the fingers. Although, couple of words have another one or two with similar finger position words, and we will need to differentiate them through the hand movement with the MPU sensor. Once we have done the differentiation, we have built a database with all the words that will be compared with the incoming signal.

Finally, this data will be managed by our code to transcribe the movement incoming from the Arduino into a SLC word. To see the code, you can check the programming technical specifications of the entire code by clicking below.

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