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We've based our project on the Deming's PDCA cycle. The meaning of this acronym is PLAN - DO - ACT - CHECK. 

For those who don't know, the basis of this cycle is repetition. It is applied successively to processes that are intended to be continuously improved. So planning and documentation are important and necessary. We have applied it in the three main parts of the project, but the most obvious part where you can see it reflected is on the mechanical part.


We also have planified tasks for each one according to our personal skills and the roles of the project since the beginnings of the project, but we have helped each other in every task.

On the following link you can download our GANTT diagram, where you can find all our tasks during the course of time.


In the page of our project in github, we've been putting all our work week after week, you can take a look and also see other aspects of our project.

Here's the link:

You can also download our Weekly reporting to see our weekly tracking more detailed:


We get an estimated cost of 5460,96 € for the prototype

530h in total, at an average salary of 10€/h means:

                                    530x10= 5300€.

We've added up the price of the prototype; 160,96 €.


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