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The main aim of this subject is developing a technological project to strengthen and integrate our mechatronic abilities in a real concept. The student body join in groups and start to work in a project.  

The importance of this project is also developing our abilities to work as a teamwork, use the engineering methods and research to operate and control complex systems. As a future engineer, be able to adapt a new situation, organize and plan a real project in a fixed period. 

In this case, we decided a project proposed by our teachers, associated to a system that turns the finger movement into electrical signs.

Project Parts:


  • Learn some words of the sign language.  


  • Design and implement an electrical scheme that interprets the position of the hand and five fingers. 


  • Design and implement a glove prototype with all the components that integrates the project.


  • Create a code able to process the data and transcript the interpretations. 

  • Add a connectivity to manage the data. 

  • Manage the information with a database and an interface to visualize the data


Our project is about a design of an electrical glove able to translate the catalan sign language into an electrical signal data. In that way, what we want to achieve is to make easier the communication between the mute people and the enviroment. A mute person only can comunicate with someone who knows the sing language, our idea is to change that rule.


Developing a project sometimes is very difficult, but not always it's the most important part, since if the development cost is higher than the value it brings to the market, it is not viable because no one would pay such a price for the function of this project.

For this reason we have calculated the total price of the project and the price that would be a unit of the glove. Please download it from the next link to see it

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