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Sign Language in Catalan

Sign language has been a relevant method of communication since the 17th century.  This particular language helps to communicate with people with audio problems, like deaf or deaf mute people. The language uses hand movement and finger gesticulation to communicate similar to any other language. We must comprehend this language to classify it in different classes of movement, in order to transcribe the movement into words.

Sign Language: Texto
scl web.JPG
Sign Language: Imagen

We have divided the nature of the language into typologies. The 'static' words are most of the numbers and letters, without involving linear hand movement.  The 'simple' are the most common and used words in the language. These movements include linear movement, rotation, and even a continuous shake. Examples of simple words are the verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and even most of the words that will be fair to transcribe using a power glove.

Sign Language: Texto
Sign Language: Pro Gallery
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