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By the moment we've divided our project in three  principal parts:

  • State of the Art: composed by two parts; Standard hand size, where we've researched information about the size of the glove we are using for our project. And the other part: SLC – Sign Language in Catalan, where we've put a list of some words that we have chosen in order to study its gesticulation and parameterize it.

  •  Technical specifications: divided in two parts, the mechanical part and the electronics specification part.

  • Prototype: Formed with three main parts; Electronics, Mechanics and Programming.

Hereafter, we are going to expose each of t​hose parts.

Project Parts: Texto


We've based our project on the PDCA cycle. The meaning of this acronym is PLAN - DO - ACT - CHECK.
To plan the project we did a

Project Parts: Texto


Project Parts: Texto


In the page of our project in github, we've been putting all our work week after week, you can take a look and also see other aspects of our project.

Here's the link:

Project Parts: Texto
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