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This part is composed with three relevant parts: MECHANICS, ELECTRONICS AND PROGRAMMING.

Prototype: Texto


Prototype: Bienvenidos

After some days thinking about the mechanical prototype and important issues such as:
te way of holding, the ergonomics, the biocompatibility, the size and the weight, etc.
We did a first 3D print of the desing and hereafter you have the result:

Prototype: Texto

After this first design, we saw appropriately to do such changes for our design because this one was too big and too weighted. Neither the ergonomics were good. So in the following photos you can observe the new changes we made.

Prototype: Texto


Prototype: Bienvenidos

In electronics field, we talk about a bracelet with an Arduino, connected to a computer with a serial communication with eleven analogic inputs. Six of them will be about the axis movement (accelerations and angular velocities or positions) and 5 of each finger (flex sensor), determining if we are bending our fingers to transmit a sign message.
On the one hand, a sensor will catch the cinematic movement, a gyroscope analysing the rotation movement and an accelerometer with the lineal accelerations.
On the other hand, there is a flex sensor in each finger to catch the bending of each one.

Prototype: Texto


descarga (2).gif
Prototype: Bienvenidos

The capture motion is taken care of by the Arduino, and we program it with the Arduino IDE environment. This first code we have been working on reads the sensors and stores them in arrays. To do this we use the internal interruption set in the Timer1, and functions like ‘array()’, ‘map()’, and ‘millis()’, among others.

In order to explain how the code works, we have drawn a flowchart to see easily the sequence developed by the Arduino:

Prototype: Texto
Prototype: Imagen

In the near future, we will add connectivity to this code, because we want to send the data to a database where it will be stored, identified and matched with the words that represent the language of signs in catalan.


The codes are properly documented in our Github repository, with its changes, corrections and improvements made over time.



Prototype: Imagen
Prototype: Imagen
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